Water Pollution Control Facility
Location; Butler County, Cranberry Township, PA | Market Served; Wastewater
Key Services; Electrical, Instrumentation and Controls, SCADA Design
Keystone Engineering group designed an upgrade of the 8.7 MGD Brush Creek wastewater treatment plant in Cranberry Twp, PA. Keystone provided electrical power and lighting design, instrumentation and control systems engineering, construction cost estimation, and prepared specifications.
Major process components of the upgrade included replacement of the influent pumping station and screening facility, headworks, fine screening and primary clarifier upgrades, Bioreactor and process aeration upgrades, the addition of new membrane tanks and membrane filtration facility, effluent pumping station & plant water station, ATAD sludge digestion and Odor Control, Sludge holding and thickening upgrades, sludge and scum pumping systems and chemical feed rehabilitation
Major electrical power upgrades include the addition of two new 2,000kW generators and a third existing 1,000kW generator tied to a 3200A low voltage paralleling switchgear. Upgrade of two 2400A double-ended low voltage switchgear for automatic closed transition throw over control, and the addition of a third new 2400A automatic double-ended LV switchgear to serve the new membrane filtration system. Upgrades or modifications to eight motor control centers, and the addition of nine new MCCs.
Modifications to existing Master Control Building to support the upgraded SCADA Control Systems. The plant control system upgrades include a new fiber optic network consisting of twenty-two rack-mounted and hardened DIN rail mounted fiber and copper managed switches networked in multiple shelf-healing rings. The SCADA network supports five SCADA workstations, twelve PLCs, video security cameras, electrical power monitors, UPS monitors, and a Voice over IP phone system.